Friday, November 22, 2013

Meet the Campbells

Meet the Campbells. 

We're newlyweds, living out our sweet little version of life in small town South Carolina.

We're in the process of buying a new home and we're expecting our first precious little gift from God in February 2014.  

I've spent the last 10 years of my life dreaming of what my life would be like when I grew up and all of a sudden, without warning, life started happening. I'm not sure that I'm all grown up, but now, at 26, it seems like I'm as close as I've ever been to being an adult. 

Looking back, the last year has been an incredible blessing. I've started my career, I married the sweetest, most considerate man I've ever met, we're starting a beautiful life together in a place that has always been home to me and our sweet baby boy will be here before we know it.