Wednesday, December 11, 2013


We've been working, working, working on the house! Considering I decided it was absolutely necessary to paint every square foot of "our" new home, we've come a long way in a week!  (I say "our" because our closing got pushed back to next Monday. Yes, we're the only fools I know that would paint a house they haven't even technically bought yet!).

Some paint colors got moved around, as was to be expected considering I can't make affirmative decisions on ANYTHING, but luckily we only purchased one gallon that I just didn't like. Fingers crossed, we'll finish painting tonight and begin slowly moving in as soon as tomorrow.  We've got the house we're renting until the end of the year so we're going to be sure not to clutter the new house with unnecessary junk.  SUCH a luxury to have so much time to move!

I wish I'd been thoughtful enough to take "before" pictures so I could really tell the difference and see our progress but I suppose the "after" pictures will have to do.  I'll be sure to post those ASAP!

I've also been doing some online furniture shopping.  I'm horrible at finding deals but I can't bring myself to pay full price for most anything so I just end up without it. I suppose I'm going to either have to become more thrifty or bite the bullet.  Im going to try "antiquing" for some awesome pieces this weekend. My grandmother is a pro- hopefully she'll be willing to show me the ropes.

Here are a couple pieces I'm loving:

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Giving Thanks

We're 30 weeks pregnant today! 

The picture on the left was taken Saturday night just as the clock on the Clemson/South Carolina football game was winding down and the Gamecocks locked up that fifth straight win in the Palmetto Bowl.  

The picture on the right was taken the day after Thanksgiving.  Apologies for the poor lighting.  

Last week Caleb and I spent our first Thanksgiving together as husband and wife.  We had a wonderful day with family and I was really reminded of why I left beautiful Charleston, SC after law school to return home to practice law.  I love having my family nearby and lots of times take for granted the fact that they're just around the corner or right down the street.  We're lucky to have such wonderful families- especially as we prepare for baby Campbell's arrival in February!  

We have so much going on right now and it's hard to take a minute to be thankful for all of our blessings, but over the holiday weekend it was so nice to have a minute to slow down and be thankful.  

We received word late yesterday that we'll be closing on our first home near the end of this week and we couldn't be more excited! The sweet couple we're buying from has been nice enough to let us go ahead and get in the house and begin painting to speed up our moving process.  I am so hopeful to be able to put a Christmas tree in our new house so that Caleb and I can enjoy our first Christmas together in our new home and it is so kind of the previous owners to let us get a jump start on that process.  

I foresee many late nights preparing for our big move to Chesterfield over the next week. Caleb has been so sweet and accommodating to my new found inner interior decorator and didn't even blink an eye when I insisted the entire house had to be painted floor to ceiling, literally.  I'm so excited to see the outcome! 

Choosing paint colors is the hardest thing I've ever done.  I am not a decision maker.  I embrace my indecisiveness and love to ask for input from others.  Funny though, when you're picking out paint colors it's hard to get anyone else to commit to a color! I've decided on a few colors so far.  Fingers crossed I love them because I really dread having to tell Caleb they're all wrong ;)

So far, we've chosen these:

SANDSTORM for the living area of the house.  Perhaps the master bedroom and guest bedroom as well.
GRAVITY for baby Campbell's room.

SAILBOAT for the kitchen.